《初榨橄欖油-To cook, or not to cook? 》


「olive oil 唔好用黎煮呀,煙點 (smoking point) 唔高呀,仲要 extra virgin 添,更加唔好煮啦,做salad dressing 好啦!」

係香港果陣,我都係好認同呢種講法呀(好 logical 呀,新鮮野唔好煮佢),仲要大家都咁講,我冇懷疑過喎!

但係黎到西西里之後,我見到個個都用 extra virgin olive oil 煮野,我都有d好奇,咪問下lor,西西里人就話:

「我地不嬲都係用olive oil 煮野架啦,我地世世代代都係食olive oil 架,仲有我地既mediterrean diet 出哂名健康,what’s the problem?! 」



都係做下 research先😅

Google竟然話俾我知,「extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest oil for cooking??!!」😮😮

吓,原來一直我地掛口邊既smoking point 都係distraction,令到大家都揀錯油。。。

誤解1:Smoking point越高越好?

Smoking point高,加熱都唔會產生有害物質。聽落簡單易明,不過,this is only one side of the story。
More important question is,有害物質點產生架?

原來smoking point ,in another word,即係 heat,唔係唯一影響產唔產生有害物質既 factor。我地要同時睇係d咩under heat 會變左有害物質。

大家準備好 back to school,就Let the chemistry lesson begin😆

油係由 triglycerides 組成,當中有3種 fatty acids,分別係 saturated(包和), monounsaturated(單不包和), polyunsaturated(多包和),而部份係 free (游離) fatty acid (冇痴住 glycerol) ,油既quality 越高,free fatty acid 就越少。(remember this point,好重要!)

最重要係understand 唔同fatty acid 既 chemical structure。個3種既 fatty acid 最大既分別係有冇double bond(unstable structure) ,同有幾多。saturated 係冇 double bond,monounsaturated係有1個,polyunsaturated 係有many。而關鍵係 double bond 越多,會氧化/受破壞既程度越高,which means saturated 最 stable,因為冇 double bond;monounsaturated 都好 stable ,因為得1個double bond,而polyunsaturated 係最 unstable,因為有好多個double bond。

So what?!

所以要加熱,係唔 reach 煙點下,saturated should be the least subject to oxidation,monosaturated 係 the second,polyunsaturated係 the worst。

豬牛油,係saturated fatty acid,所以唔容易有oxidation ,有質素嘅動物油其實唔多, 劣質嘅食得過多,係會令人體容易過敏、發炎、水腫。。。
Extra virgin olive oil ,係 monounsaturated fatty acid,都係唔容易有oxidation,仲有 phenols 令佢更少 oxidation。
一般既 vegetable oil,(大豆,粟米,向日葵)係比較多 polyunsaturated fatty acid,係好容易有oxidation
Oxidized 左既油=rancid,「益」左。(吓?一般既vegetable oil 反而易變「益」?下面再講)

Chem 堂完畢😆

誤解2:Extra virgin olive oil既 Smoking point 都唔高?

其實大家知道幾多謂之「高」 or「低」呢?

煙點高低係 relative 既,係同你用黎點煮相對。

原來Extra virgin olive oil 既 smoking point 有成 190-210 度架,咁即係高唔高??
牛油係121度以上就開始smoke 嘞;
160度d肉就會 Brown,同變 crusty;
otherwise 你焗 cookies or 其他野,190度d野又已經會brown;
甚至乎炸咁,即使係炸,通常會去到 176-187度。仲要只要油入面有食物 ,油溫會跌差唔多40度,除非舊食物已經熟透要拎走,仲不停煮,otherwise,smoking point 都仲有 room to dance;
假如你要入焗爐,over 240度都好,但唔過個半鐘,佢既 oleocanthal(一種 olive獨有既 phenolic compound ,抗氧物) 都唔係會 redcue 太多。
除非你要 grill or BBQ,火係可以去度300幾度,but are you sure 你要 olive oil黎 BBQ??

誤解3:Extra virgin olive oil ,做 dressing 好啦,唔好煮,用番其他vegetable oil 啦。

Extra virgin olive oil 係好矜貴,最好係食 raw,原汁原味。我認同最好食raw, 但係我地大部份人都會煮野架嘛,咁問題就係邊隻油做cooking oil 最健康(if this is what you want to know)。

仲記得「油既quality 越高,free fatty acid 就越少」嘛?越少free fatty acid ,越少機會變「益」。

上面講左 Cooking oil 最好係monounsaturated fatty acid,stable d,少d free fatty acids,少d 機會變「益」,而除左monounsaturated 外,Extra virgin olive oil仲有d polyphenols and tocophenols去保護d油 from oxidation or 變「益」。

但你會問, 平時超市買既 vegetable oil夠多polyunsaturated fatty acid 不穩定結構啦,又點擺都唔「益」?

無錯,你買到,日日食,好似粟米大豆花生芥花子油,係「唔會益」,因為你買到既 vegetable oil 都係refined oil,即係話,d油都係經過高溫處理,漂白,除臭等等。所以vegetable oils 除左一個意義唔太大既煙點(你通常都唔會 reach),佢地既 nutritional value 呀,抗氧化功能呀,香味就唔駛講啦,都輸哂係起跑線。

咁,大家明點解extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest cooking oil 啦,佢又食得又cook 得!

如果你聽完呢個分析,亦agree with me 的話,咁你就要進入下一個問題啦- how to buy and store extra virgin olive oil。

Let’s take a break,下一次講😁


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