

我都好好奇喎!我都知近十幾廿年,有機認證變左 marketing ,甚至全球各地既小農都有退出呢個遊戲既舉動。但係香港買野,啲舖頭只係識講呢隻「有機架!」「好味呀!」「歐洲架!」「多人買呀!」「無污染架!」。想問多啲,答案一般都係「唔好意思,唔清楚」,「點知咁多呀!」。買本地野會好啲,會講得出邊個農場,但係香港既農業出產少,而香港既飲食文化又咁國際化,供應鏈又咁長,其實要清楚自己買緊咩都唔係咁易。所以要依賴label 都好正常。。。

咁Guido 好似有料爆咁款,我梗係豎起隻耳仔聽啦😁😁😁

🧒「The first thing is biodiversity(生物多樣性). Real organic is about mimicking nature. (真正有機就係模仿大自然)But the first thing certifying organizations tend to have missed is biodiversity. For example, when we first applied for an organic certificate, we declared 80 varieties in 1 hectare of land, they were shocked since they had never had farms with so many varieties. ( 我地申請有機認證,係1公頃地種左80幾種品種,嚇親佢地,佢地都未見過係同一個係同一個farm有咁多個品種!)According to them, usually the small farms have 5-10 varieties (細型 farms 有5-10品種)while the big farms might have 2-3 varieties. (大型 farms 就更少,得2-3品種)Bureaucratically, they were unprepared at all. The module to fill was designed to put a few varieties.」
🙋‍♀️「I had never thought of Biodiversity in the farm when I considered buying organic!( 其實我買有機野都從來冇諗過果園既生物多樣性) 😅😅」

🧒「It is not your fault. (都唔怪得你!)Now, as a consumer, you are so distant from farmers, (你地同農夫距離咁遠)you only know what the label will tell you, whatever is not required by the organization or government to be put on the label is out of question. (其實label 有咩,消費者就只係知咁多囉。)That’s why the label organic is not exactly up to standard for real organic. 」
🙋‍♀️「I always had a feeling that the label was just skin-deep organic but didn’t expect that the first thing missing was the essence of being organic. 🙈(我都知 label 唔代表咩,但無諗過原來最重要既生物多樣性欠奉!)」

🧒「Once again, organic certifying organization is never about education, it is about market standard. By the information they demand, you can understand it is more for market control than anything else. (其實佢地似收集數據做統計多過做有機認證,同教育。)」
🙋‍♀️「So, what kind of information do they ask for? (佢地問啲咩?)」

🧒「The annual inspection is Sale record, estimation of production, garden map, logbook for garden work and receipts of fertilizers or related products. (銷售量,生產量,果園地圖,果園工作記錄,肥料或相關產品收據。)」
🙋‍♀️「It sounds more like collecting statistics. But at least they care about what fertilizers you put. (係喎,至少佢地都管你落咩肥料呀!)」

🧒「Yes, meno male. (好過無)」「The most important fertilizer come from the soil.  (但係重點先係泥土!)」




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