

我哋嘅果園係活火山東邊, 距離17公里左右。年中都會有好幾次會受到火山灰嘅眷顧, 令泥土結構變得有利小生物嘅生存繁殖, 變相為果園嘅肥沃度出力!

好大程度上, 我哋果園係唔駛施肥, let time do the work.

🙋‍♀️「Farms near Mount Etna needs no fertilizer, right?」(有個活火山, 咁呢度唔駛施肥啦?)
🧒「um, no, most of them need a lot since the way people were treating the land was depleting the life of soil.」(好多都要㗎!佢哋都無善待土地)
🙋‍♀️「what do you mean?」(吓?)
🧒「For the last decades, it was in fashion to spray the land with roundup like of pesticides for weed management. Over time, the lifes are rid completely. The land is practically sterile. Volcanic sand is a habitat favours microorganisms, not giving directly nutrients, so pumping chemical nutrients has become the main practice. 」(佢哋落落埋埋嘅殺蟲除草劑, 有用嘅微生物都無咁滯啦!)
🙋‍♀️「how about your farm?」(咁個farm 呢?)
🧒 「Our farm doesn’t need much because for the last decades to manage weed
❎We don’t use pesticides
❎We don’t plough the land
☑️We trim and drop the weed at the Spot to provide mulching (ground cover)
So the underground world of lifes is undisturbed and do their job.」(我哋唔噴嘢、唔翻土, 用最labour-intensive嘅方法剪草, 啲草做埋mulch, 唔打擾地下生態)

🙋‍♀️「Ah, you are cultivating soil, not only the trees!」(原來你唔只係種樹、仲係養地, sou desu ne日文😆)

你點對你嘅土地, 佢就點回應你!
Terroir/terreno 重要到即使相隔一條路, 都有好大分別。



Dirt is soil. 但soil is not dirty!
(我都係城市人, 以前都有。



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